Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (2024)

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (1)

ORIGINAL RESEARCHpublished: 08 May 2019

doi: 10.3389/fphy.2019.00068

Frontiers in Physics | 1 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Edited by:

Pietro Ferraro,

Italian National Research Council

(CNR), Italy

Reviewed by:

David Mayerich,

University of Houston, United States

Xiaojun Yu,

Nanyang Technological University,


Pasquale Memmolo,

Institute of Applied Sciences and

Intelligent Systems (ISASI), Italy


Laurent Cognet


Pierre Bon


Specialty section:

This article was submitted to

Optics and Photonics,

a section of the journal

Frontiers in Physics

Received: 28 January 2019

Accepted: 18 April 2019

Published: 08 May 2019


Linarès-Loyez J, Ferreira JS,

Rossier O, Lounis B, Giannone G,

Groc L, Cognet L and Bon P (2019)

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy

for Live Super-Resolution Imaging and

Single Particle Tracking in 3D.

Front. Phys. 7:68.

doi: 10.3389/fphy.2019.00068

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopyfor Live Super-Resolution Imagingand Single Particle Tracking in 3D

Jeanne Linarès-Loyez 1,2, Joana S. Ferreira 3,4, Olivier Rossier 3,4, Brahim Lounis 1,2,

Gregory Giannone 3,4, Laurent Groc 3,4, Laurent Cognet 1,2* and Pierre Bon 1,2*

1 Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences, UMR 5298, Université de Bordeaux, Talence, France, 2 Institut

d’Optique & CNRS, LP2N UMR 5298, Talence, France, 3 Interdisciplinary Institute for Neurosciences, UMR 5297, Université

de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 4CNRS, IINS UMR 5297, Bordeaux, France

Through the formation of fluorescent self-interference (SELFI), quantitative intensity and

phase imaging enables the 3D localization of single fluorescent molecules inside a fixed

tissue with an accuracy well-beyond the diffraction limit. Here we demonstrate that this

concept can be extended to 3D super-resolution microscopy and 3D single particle

tracking in various living samples ranging from adherent cells to organotypic brain slices,

using diverse fluorescent emitters (fluorescent proteins, organic dyes or quantum dots).

This basically covers the most popular single molecule imaging techniques used for live

sample studies. We also show that SELFI can be used in combination with different

illumination schemes including highly inclined illumination and total internal reflection.

Keywords: super-resolution (SR) imaging, single molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), phase imaging,

interferometry, fluorescence, single particle tracking (SPT), single particle 3D reconstruction


Single molecule super-localization has revolutionized the field of quantitative biology, providingboth images and molecular specificity with resolutions well-beyond the diffraction limit [1–3]. Thishas unlocked the opportunity not only to obtain detailed images with nanometric resolution [4–6],but also to unveil nanoscale molecule dynamics. In particular, single particle tracking inside livingsamples give access to dynamic biophysical parameters such as molecular clustering, interactions,or local viscosity [7–11]. Because the living matter is organized in three dimensions, reliablebiological conclusions will however be obtained only if super-localization of fluorescent emitterscan be performed in 3D, within various living samples. In the past decade several techniqueshave been developed for achieving 3D super-localization in optically thin samples, typically anisolated plated cell [12–23]. To access thicker samples like 3D multicellular structures (organoids),we recently proposed a new 3D super-localization approach employing quantitative phase andintensity measurements. This technique, named SELFI, is based on fluorescent self-interferences[24] and can be considered as the transposition of lateral shearing interferometry [25, 26], awell-established technique for quantitative phase microscopy, to the field of 3D fluorescencemicroscopy. SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15,20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, (ii) negligible point spread function (PSF) enlargement,and (iii) weak sensitivity to optical aberrations, including the ones introduced by the sampleitself. Using SELFI, 3D-super-resolution imaging was achieved deep inside thick tissues [24].However, it was only demonstrated within fixed organoids and combined with direct StochasticOptical ReconstructionMicroscopy (dSTORM) [24] using AlexaFluor 647 which possesses optimal



Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (2)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

blinking properties for this application [28]. Here, wedemonstrate that SELFI can be used in combination withsingle quantum dots (Qdot) tracking or with the prevalentsuper-localization microscopy approaches developed to studylive samples, using different fluorescent molecules. These includePhotoactivated light microscopy (PALM) [1] and (universal)Point Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography[(u)PAINT] [3, 29]. First, we present the combination of SELFIwith uPAINT to reconstruct the 3D distribution of epidermalgrowth factor receptors (EGFr) in living cancer cells. Thenwe demonstrate that 3D SELFI-PALM allows the relative axialnano-positioning of important proteins of the integrin celladhesion machinery to be retrieved. Finally, we show that 3Dsingle Qdot tracking can be performed at video rate with SELFI,several tenths of micrometers deep in organotypic brain slices.


Microscope SetupThe imaging system is constructed around an inverted NikonTiE (Nikon) microscope equipped with a Nikon objective60 × NA = 1.45 (Nikon). For PALM experiments, 405 nmlight filtered from a fiber C-HGFI light source (Intensilight,Nikon) is used for photo-conversion of mEOS3.2 fluorescentproteins (excitation filter 385/11, Semrock). For excitation ofmEOS2, a 568 nm laser (250 mw, Sapphire, Coherent) isused with an appropriate filter set (dichroic FF580-FDi01,emission filter FF01-440/521/607/694/809-25, Semrock) in atotal internal reflection scheme (∼1.6 kW/cm²). For uPAINTexperiments, a 638 nm laser (100 mw, Obis, Coherent) isused to excite Atto647N fluorophores with highly obliqueillumination (∼1 kW/cm², dichroic FF655-Di01, emission filterFF01-698/70-25, Semrock). For Qdots tracking experiments,a 532 nm laser (5W, Verdi, Coherent) is used to exciteQdots (QD655, Thermofisher Scientific) in epi-fluorescence(∼1.5 kW/cm², dichroic FF580-FDi01, Semrock, emissionfilter D655/40m, Chroma). The SELFI module (describedin more details in the results section) is used to recordsingle fluorescent emitter images and includes a homemadediffraction grating based self-interferometer. The interferencepatterns are magnified 2× by an imaging relay (100 and200mm achromatic doublets in 4f configuration) then recordedwith a camera (sCMOS, ORCA Flash4 V2+, Hamamatsu).Figure 1 shows a scheme of the setup and summarizesthe different illumination possibilities. A homemade Labviewprogram (National Instrument) is used to drive the acquisitionsetup, analyze the interferograms to retrieve the 3D positionof each emitter, and render the reconstructed 3D super-resolved images.

Biological Sample Preparation and ImagingPaxilllin and Talin-C in Focal Adhesion (FA) by PALMMouse Embryonic Fibroblasts (MEFs) were cultured in DMEM(Gibco) with 10% FBS (Gibco), GlutaMAX supplement,−1 penicillin-streptomycin, 1mM sodium pyruvate,15mM HEPES. Transient transfections of plasmids wereperformed 1–3 days before experiments using theNucleofactorTM

transfection kit for MEF-1 and NucleofactorTM IIb device(AmaxaTM , Lonza). The cells were detached with 0.05%trypsin, 0.02% EDTA solution (Gibco). The trypsin wasinactivated using soybean trypsin inhibitor (1 mg/ml inDMEM, Sigma), and the cells were washed and suspendedin serum-free Ringer medium (150mM NaCl, 5mM KCl,2mM CaCl2, 2mM MgCl2, 10mM HEPES, pH = 7.4)supplemented with 11mM glucose. Cells were then seededon human fibronectin-coated surface (fibronectin: 10µg/ml,Roche). PALM imaging was performed with 60ms integrationtime (to ensure high single molecule localization precision)during 15 min.

EGFr Imaging on A431 Cells by uPAINTA431 cells are grown in red-phenol-free Dulbecco’s ModifiedEagle Medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% Fetal BovineSerum (FBS), 1% L-Glutamin and 1% penicillin/streptomycin(Life Technologies) in a cell humidified culture incubator(37◦C, CO2 5%). After 1–3 days, cells were plated at lowconfluency on coverslips coated with poly-L-lysin with 100-nm gold nanobead embedded inside (Sigma-Aldrich) for3D microscope stabilization [30]. A second coating wasthen made with Fibronectin (Sigma-Aldrich) to optimizecell adhesion. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr)membrane localizations on live cells were imaged byuPAINT. For this purpose, 10 µl of a solution of anti-EGFr (panitumumab) labeled with Atto647N (Atto-Tec)were added while simultaneously recording with the SELFIinterferometer with an exposure time of 50ms (to ensurehigh single molecule localization precision) during 5–10min.The fluorescence is excited under highly oblique illumination.3D stabilization of the microscope is performed at 40Hz aspreviously described [30].

Rat Organotypic Cultures With QdotsOrganotypic slice cultures were prepared as previously described[31]. Hippocampal slices (350µm) were obtained from postnatalday 5 to postnatal day 7 Sprague-Dawley rats using a McIlwaintissue chopper and were placed in a pre-heated (37◦C) dissectionmedium containing (in mM): 175 sucrose, 25 D-glucose, 50NaCl, 0.5 CaCl2, 2.5 KCl, 0.66 KH2PO4, 2 MgCl2, 0.28 MgSO4-7H2O, 0.85 Na2HPO4-12H2O, 2.7 NaHCO3, 0.4 HEPES, 2 ×

10–5% phenol red, pH 7.3 (all products from Sigma-Aldrich).After 25min of incubation, slices were transferred on whiteFHLC membranes (0.45µm) set on Millicell Cell CultureInserts (Millipore, 0.4mm; Ø 30mm), and cultured for upto 14 days on multiwell-plates at 35◦C/5% CO2 in a culturemedium composed of 50% Basal Medium Eagle, 25% Hank’sbalanced salt solution 1X (with MgCl2/with CaCl2), 25% heat-inactivated horse serum, 0.45% D-glucose, 1mM L-glutamine(all products from Gibco). The medium was changed every 2–3 days. Organotypic were incubated with unfunctionalized QDs1 h before experiment. Imaging was performed in temperature-controlled (35◦C) chamber (Tokai Hit, Tokai) with 20msintegration time (for best trade-off between molecule localizationprecision and diffusion movement recording) during 15min

Frontiers in Physics | 2 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (3)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

FIGURE 1 | Super-resolution imaging setup based on self-interferences (SELFI) for 3D localization in living samples. Three different configurations are shown:

(a) uPAINT with highly oblique illumination at 638 nm; (b) PALM with epi-photoconversion at ∼405 nm and TIRF fluorescence excitation at 568 nm; (c) SPT of Qdots in

tissues excited in epi-configuration at 532 nm. A scheme of the phase-only diffraction grating used in the SELFI setup is presented at the bottom. An interferometric

PSF obtained with SELFI is also shown on the right. DM, dichroic mirror; f1, 100mm achromatic doublet; f2, 200mm achromatic doublet.

between 10 and 40µm deep in the living slice. 3D stabilizationwas performed [30] by locking on fixed structures in the tissue.


Self-Interferences for 3D Localization ofSingle Fluorescent EmittersTo measure the 3D position of a single emitter with nanometricprecision, we use a self-referenced interferometer placed inthe detection path of the microscope. It is composed of (i)a custom-made phase-only diffraction grating consisting of aπ-shift checkerboard pattern positioned a few microns beforethe microscope imaging plane, (ii) an imaging relay, and (iii)a camera [24] (see Figure 1). The interferometer allows thesimultaneous measurement of the phase and intensity of a(fluorescent) beam with negligible photon loss. Briefly, thediffraction orders of the grating interfere after a small lateralshearing and the interference pattern of each single moleculeimage (i.e., each point spread function, PSF) is analyzedindividually to extract the localization of the emitter with respectto the imaging plane of the microscope.

The interferogram formation Iz in the plane z can beapproximated considering only the first order of diffraction alongthe directions x and y (>66% of the total diffracted energy).


x, y)

= PSFz(

x, y)


1+ ax · cos(



x− zd∂Ws



+ ay · cos(



y− zd∂Ws



+ax+y · cos(




x+ y)

− zd∂Ws



+ax−y · cos(




x− y)

− zd∂Ws




with PSFz the intensity point spread function in the plane z,ai ≤ 1 the energy of the interferogram for each principalfrequencies, Kr =

2π(p2 )

with p the diffraction grating pitch,

zd the distance between the grating and the sensor, and Wsz

the wavefront local curvature in plane z. The light curvaturewill thus be encoded into interferogram frequency modulations.This curvature directly carries the distance between the lightsource (here a single fluorescent emitter) and the imagingplane where the interferometer registers the interference fringes.Analysis of the interferogram in the frequency domain thusallows quantitative measurement of the axial localization of theemitter with respect to the imaging plane of the microscope. Onthe other hand, its lateral localization can be retrieved by applyinga low pass filter on Iz to remove the modulation component -keeping only the envelope PSFz- and then fitting to a Gaussian,as the PSF can be considered as free of aberration.

In a standard experiment, a camera raw image contains oneor multiple PSFs sub-structured by interferences (see Figure 1).

Frontiers in Physics | 3 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (4)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

FIGURE 2 | uPAINT-based super-resolution imaging of EGF receptors in living A431 adherent cells. (a) Single molecule based 3D super-resolved reconstructed

image. The nano-topography of the cell is clearly visible. The white arrow indicates membrane ruffling linked to an increase in height at the edge of the cell.

(b) Computer generated epi-fluorescence image (diffraction limited).

By operating in the single molecule regime where each elementalPSF can be isolated from the others, one can independentlyretrieve the 3D localization of each molecule.

uPAINT Imaging for EGFr Studies onCancer Cell Line (A431)EGF receptors (EGFRs) belong to the ErbB family of receptortyrosine kinases. They are activated at the cell-surface followingbinding with epidermal growth factors (EGFs) to theirextracellular domain, inducing signaling pathways that areimportant e.g., in different carcinoma types. Indeed, upon EGFbinding, EGFR dimerization, and tyrosine autophosphorylationoccur, which activates intracellular signaling cascades that canlead to phenotypic changes such as increased proliferationand migration. EGFR distributions, activation and signalingpathways have been extensively studied using fluorescentmicroscopy at both ensemble [32, 33], single-molecule levels[34–36], and also using super-resolution imaging [7]. Thesestudies revealed for instance the transient distribution ofEGFR dimers at the cellular membrane immediately afterEGF binding and before their endocytosis. Interestingly, usinguPAINT microscopy, we were also able to image on live cellsthe super-resolved localization of panitumumab, a humanmonoclonal antibody highly specific to EGFRs and widely usedin cancer treatments. This antibody impedes EGF bindingand the subsequent signaling cascades. Intrinsically, uPAINTis particularly well-suited to study ligand/antibody bindinglocalizations at high resolution on a live cell. Indeed, uPAINTrelies on stochastically imaging in real-time ligand binding withtarget receptors at the single molecule level using highly obliqueillumination [37]. We thus chose to demonstrate the possibilityto combine SELFI with live-cell uPAINT microscopy to generate3D super-resolved images of panitumumab. For this, weapplied fluorescent panitumumab on A431 cells, an epidermoidcarcinoma cell line which abnormally overexpresses EGFR. We

coupled panitumumab to Atto-647N, a red fluorescent dye withexcellent photophysical properties well-established in singlemolecule research. In practice, immediately after the beginningof recording and while cells were illuminated with a 638 nmlaser beam, fluorescent panitumumab was introduced at lowconcentration (0.4 nM) in the imaging solution. A series offluorescence images are recorded with SELFI with an integrationtime of 50ms. The super-resolved image presented in Figure 2a

displays the 3D localizations of the EGFR population targeted bypanitumumab at the membrane of live cells. For comparison, adiffraction limited image was generated in Figure 2b by poolingdiffraction limited detections of fluorescent panitumumab.In the super-resolved image, the gain in lateral resolution isclearly visible, while SELFI reveals the axial localization ofpanitumumab linked to EGFR with super-resolved precision(∼30–50 nm localization precision, average of 500 detectedphotons /localization). Interestingly, local inhom*ogeneitiesin axial localizations can be seen and be related to local cellmembrane topography. For instance, local elevation of EGFRaltitude spanning only 400 nm in height can be observed due tosmall ruffling of the membrane at the edge of the cell (Figure 2bwhite arrow) while in the remaining of the lamellipodia themolecules span <150 nm axially. This observation indicatesthat panitumumab is able to efficiently target EGFR in differentareas of the cell, including in highly mobile and dynamicmembrane compartments.

SELFI-PALM Focusing in the AdhesionFocal PointsCells adhere and generate forces on the extracellular matrixthrough integrin-dependent adhesion sites, in particular matureFocal adhesion (FAs). While quite stable at the macroscale,those macromolecular assemblies are highly dynamic andwell-organized at the molecular level [11, 38]. Importantly,4π interferometric PALM (iPALM) performed on fixed cells

Frontiers in Physics | 4 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (5)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

FIGURE 3 | PALM-based super-resolution imaging of Paxillin and Talin-C in live mouse embryonic fibroblasts. (a) Super-resolved image of Paxillin fused to mEOS2.

(b) Epi-fluorescence image of GFP-Paxillin showing the adhesion focal points. (c) Same as (a) for Talin-C fused to mEOS2 on C-terminal part of the protein. (d) Same

as (b). (e) Histograms of the axial localizations of Talin-C and Paxillin within the adhesion focal points showing an axial separation of ∼23 nm.

demonstrated that FAs are composed of multiple functionalnano-layers located at different distances from the plasmamembrane and recruiting specific components: a membrane-proximal integrin signaling layer, a force transduction layerand an upper actin regulatory layer [38]. Here, we wanted todetermine whether SELFI is also able to quantify the height ofdifferent proteins constituting FAs with a much more convenientone-objective imaging scheme and importantly, within live cells.We chose a TIRF-PALM configuration in order to image twoproteins of FAs located, respectively in the integrin and actinlayers: Paxillin and Talin carboxy-terminal (Talin-C) fused withmEos2. Figure 3 presents the results obtained by SELFI-PALMimaging: Figures 3a,c display, respectively 3D super-resolvedimages of Paxillin-mEoS2 and Talin-C while Figures 3b,d bothcorrespond to diffraction limited images of GFP-paxillin as aFA reporter. One can see that while the lateral distributions ofproteins span over few microns in adhesion sites, their respectiveaxial distributions are very narrow (±25 nm). Interestingly, sinceSELFI axial localizations are measured relative to the microscopeimaging plane, it was essential to retrieve an absolute axialreference ( set as z = 0 at the microscope coverslip) to comparethe respective height distributions of Talin-C and Paxillin. Forthis purpose, we use fluorescent molecules adsorbed on thecoverslip and detected outside of the cells. By subtracting thecoverslip position to the raw protein localizations we couldgenerate the absolute values of the localizations with respect tothe coverslip position. Note that for durable determination ofcoverslip position, fluorescent particles can be embedded within

the coating layer (fibronectin). This analysis clearly shows that inlive cells, Paxillin, and Talin-C are almost exclusively detected inFAs with Paxillin being closer to the surface than Talin-C. Indeed,by analyzing 15,000 localizations in FAs for both Talin-C andPaxillin, we unambiguously obtained distinct localization heightsseparated by 23 ± 0.3 nm (SEM): zPaxillin = 18 ± 22 nm (STD)and zTalin = 41 ± 25 nm (STD). Taking into account theexperimental uncertainties, the measured distance within thislayered structuration measured on live cells is consistent withthe literature obtained on fixed cells [zlit

Paxillin= 43.1 ± 22 nm

and zlitTalin

= 76.7 ± 15.7 nm [38]]. The absolute positionsare however offset by ∼25 nm compared to the literature, whichsuggests that adsorbed molecules used for z = 0 determinationmight not provide the exact position of the coverslip surface.Nevertheless, this analysis provides a proof-of-principle thatSELFI-PALM can deliver 3D super-resolved images of mEOSdistributions with state-of-the-art resolution, but with muchsimpler instrumentation and within live cells.

Single Particle Tracking in Living TissueBeing able to study the dynamics of proteins in living samples iskey to understand the complex molecular processes implicatedin biological systems. In this quest, single particle tracking(SPT) has been largely performed on dissociated cells platedon coverslips [7, 37, 39–41], while SPT in intact living tissuesis only emerging [10, 42, 43]. Having access to the 3Ddynamics of proteins deep inside living tissues would howeverensure more realistic conclusions since the 3D structure of

Frontiers in Physics | 5 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (6)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

FIGURE 4 | Single fluorescent QDot tracking in live organotypic brain slices. (a–d) Depth of imaging is 10µm. (e–h) and 25µm. (a,e) Super-resolved 3D trajectories

of single QDots. (b,f) Selected trajectories (with 2D projection) within the red doted square region in (a,e) the color coding corresponds to the axial positions.

(c,g) Same as (b,f) the color coding corresponds to the instantaneous diffusion coefficients along the trajectory in logarithmic scale. (d,h) Corresponding histograms

of instantaneous diffusion coefficients along the considered trajectories (c,g).

Frontiers in Physics | 6 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (7)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

native biological samples provides specific environments. In thiscontext, 3D-SPT currently requires the use of highly transparentand weakly optically aberrant samples or strategies withcomplex fluorescence excitation/detection schemes as comparedto standard wide-field imaging (includingmultiphoton excitationor selective plane illumination) [44]. It remains thus challengingto achieve 3D single particle tracking deep in living tissuesusing a conventional wide-field fluorescence microscope. Tothis aim, we applied SELFI to track single Qdots in 3D deepin a live tissue. As a demonstration, we measured the 3Dmovement of Qdots diffusing in the extracellular space of livingorganotypic brain slices. Indeed, it has been shown that thediffusion properties of Qdots, dextrans, or other nanoparticlesintroduced in the brain extracellular space are related to itsnanoscale architecture [8, 9]. The analysis of their trajectoriesshould thus allow critical biophysical information about thisimportant brain compartment [45] such as tortuosity, viscosityand dynamics of endogenous extracellular molecules to beretrieved. Figure 4 displays typical results obtained at depths of10µm (Figures 4a–d) and 25µm (Figures 4e–h) inside the brainslice. Because Qdots are surface passivated without targeting-functionalization, they diffuse around the cells exploring theirenvironment at high speed with limited specific interaction withthe sample. The trajectories analyzed in Figures 4b–d,f–h areindicated in Figures 4a,e with the red dashed boxes. 3D diffusioncoefficients are around 0.5 µm²/s for most of the time along thetrajectories. This value is consistent with earlier 2D studies [8].Interestingly, the 3D shapes of these trajectories indicate diffusionaround what appears as spherical volumetric structures withinthe tissue, which would have been indiscernible in 2D.


This work demonstrates that SELFI can be easily combinedwith themost common super-localizationmethods developed forlive sample imaging [(u)PAINT, PALM, SPT]. It extends thesemethods to 3D quantification in complex live samples. SinceSELFI obtains the 3D information without causing significantphoton loss, it is possible to apply this concept to single emittershaving limited brilliance such as fluorescent proteins as used inPALM, or nanoparticles deep inside thick living tissues. SELFIalso allows 3D single particle tracking at high imaging frames(here, 50 frames per second) to follow fast diffusion dynamicswithin a tissue. With SELFI, 3D localization is obtained solely by

structuring the PSF with interference patterns in the image plane,which provide the freedom to use any fluorescence excitationscheme. Here we demonstrated highly oblique illumination inuPAINT experiments, total internal reflection in PALM imagingand standard epi-illumination for deep tissue SPT. Note thatthis independence from illumination schemes is key for tissueimaging applications because intrinsic light scattering by thesample might disturb specific illumination configurations thatare needed to obtain the 3D information with other methods. Inthis work, we have also chosen to image quasi-metrological livingbiological samples by studying axial molecular structurationwithin cellular adhesion sites. The nanoscale layering of proteinsmeasured with SELFI is in agreement with the data obtained infixed cells in the literature. Finally, we have demonstrated fast 3DSPT in thick samples. This paves the way to the unambiguousstudy of molecular nano-organization and dynamics in complexsamples where 2D imaging-only can lead to biased results. Toconclude, we have demonstrated that SELFI is an efficientmethodfor live super-resolution studies allowing 3D localization evenat high depth (up to few tens of microns) on a regular epi-fluorescence based microscope. As long as a single moleculeimage can be formed in the imaging plane of the microscope,SELFI can retrieve its 3D localization well-beyond the diffractionlimits, by sensing simultaneously the intensity and the phase ofthe light.


JL-L, JF, OR, and PB performed the experiments. JL-L, JF, OR,and PB analyzed the data. PB and LC designed the study withhelp of OR, BL, GG, and LG. JL-L, GG, LC and PB wrote themanuscript. All authors discussed the data and commented onthe manuscript.


This work was supported by CNRS, the AgenceNationale de la Recherche (ANR- 15-CE16-0004-03,ANR-16-CE29-0011-03, ANR-16-CE92-0034-01), IdExBordeaux (ANR-10-IDEX-03-02), the France-BioImagingnational infrastructure (ANR-10-INBS-04-01), andConseil Regional Nouvelle-Aquitaine (2015-1R60301-00005204). Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale(FRM: DEI20151234402).


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Frontiers in Physics | 8 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (9)

Linarès-Loyez et al. Live Super-Resolution Imaging With SELFI

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Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare that the research wasconducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that couldbe construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Frontiers in Physics | 9 May 2019 | Volume 7 | Article 68

Self-Interference (SELFI) Microscopy for Live Super ......SELFI has the triple advantage over other 3D super-localization techniques [14, 15, 20, 22, 23, 27]: (i) minimal photon-loss, - [PDF Document] (2024)
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