Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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RIDAY NOVEMBER 29 1639 ffamily aven cat io It A letterfirom New York states ihal Senator do no 28 3t Mrs page' sylvania tds ADY WORKS complete JLj 2 vols containing DEATHS American almanac for is io this day received for tale by TAYLOR inform the ladiea Waabington 4 1 1 I do do do do iser of the 19th ip late Election from all the or the Start' 11 District Senatorial Gallii District Columbus Zanesville Hamilton Chillicothe St Clairsville or in Washington of nov 29 3t ALtABLE ARM OR ALE IN THE I CHI Tiwnll 'ka rJ Ka Ijible estate on which be resides known Gisborougn situated on the Maryland It contains part oi which is an a $igtt ishery attached which MB HAMILTON nearly opposite id pre IT fi pared to accommodate a mess of eight or ten members of Congress with or without their families nor 27 Globe WIIE NEW WORLD The largest cheajxjst and handsomest newspaper In the United States i Subscriptions to the above will be received by Taylob The New'World is edited by Park Benjamin and AV Grjewnld the founders and late editors of Brother and is composed of literature selected from all the best pnodicalp of England and the United States general intelligence foreign and domestic editorial articles on all subjects of immediate andzpopular interest is strittly impartial in politics Subscription price $3 per annum Cop es of the paper muy be seen at the Bookstore of TA LOR nOv 25 A 'if DiviDSON GjUTHt COMORTABLE ACCOMMODATIONS for members of Congress with their ladles at Mra YVHJT south corner of General Green's Row eaat of the Capitol Square Apply at Mra JOHN no 29 3id Capitol Hill 'WWOOD AT THE All DAWES A CO respectfully inform the citizens of Washington lhat they have again commenced the delivery of oak wood at the depot in this city where tljey expect to receive from 800 to 1000 cord through the winter and spring The wood is all of highland growth and most of it of the best quality Peraon wishing to purchase are requested to call at their of fice on Pennsylvania Avenue adjoining the Washington depot DAWES CO no 2S 3t i (Baltimore Sun) JURNISHED ROOMS TO LET A parlor and two bedchambers well furnished may be secured fur the session of Congress at a moderate sent by early applica tion to the subscriber on 7th street near the corner of nov 7t i SAMUEL MAGEE ROOM TO LET A very desirable unfurnished room corner of 1 1th street and Pennsylvania avenue over the store of the subscribers where application must be made nov 3t RICARDS GIBBS 4 CO rpHE RELIGIOUS SpUVENIR OR 1810 edited by Mrs Sigourney superbly bounddn embofeaed morocco with eight splendid illustrations executed by the most eminent artists i 1 'z Just received and for sate at ARNHAM'S Stationery Store between 9th and 10th streets Pennsylvania Avenue HOUSE AND LOT la Row for sale We wjll sell on very accommodating terms the House at present occupied by Mr Given at 160 per annum nov 29 BRADLEY CATLETT BLACK GROUND This day receiv ed and for salp by I nov 3t I 1 WING ER DA CO 'f*ck SALE On Saturday morning 3('th November a list of valuable City Property ps advertised in this pa per will be sold for ihe taxes due thereon Sale to be at the City Hall and to commencest 1 1 A ROTHWELL nov492t i Col'ector of Dccembertfie steamboat HENIX will make three trips a day berween Washington and Alexandria to Wit 1cave Washington at 10 AM 12 and 4 Lfave Alexandria at 9 and 11AM and 2 phtibfdrtber notice JOHN WILSON nrt29 I 1 Captain IWB HStHOMSON can accommodate aincsB of Mem 1VJL benioR Congress her house is pleasantly situated on New Jersey Avenue immediately south of the Capitol nov 5t KERVAND has taken the large tense Seven BrnM ings froutiugPeuDSylvania avenue and 12th street and can aeeommodale 20 or 3U Members of Congress with beard urnished rochpi may be had in the immediate neighborhood and at tbe bouse also dinner parties nov eo3t EDITORS' CORRESPONDENCE q'v New York November 27 The money markers very quiet The British Queen notbringing the return news of that the Liverpool carried out there has been but little agitation in money affairs' and money opefk tiona await further arrivals Stocks do Snot change materially Relief is slowly coming to al) but if the pressure had not been much more severe thaq it now is the present severity would' be a matter of milch declamation Mt Ward of the firm of "Prime Ward1 King died this morningi i 1 A letter from Havana: says Our Consul baa gone Mr Trist then will soon: be among us I The returns which the Boston Atlas publishes from Massachusetts leave but little doubt that (no choice has been effected of a Governor The Whigs have carried their ticket entire of Repre sentatives from Boston and there is but little doubt they have the House which with the Senate will still keep the Whig flag flying not withstanding ttie Whigs have been well scared SAETY IN RAILROAD TRAVELLING One of the greatest dangers in Railroad travelling it well known arise from the difficulty of suddenly slopping the train of cars when in rapid motion in case of danger brine descried ahead It is accordingly provided by a law of Massachusetts that every passenger train shall be at tended by a certain number of brakemen But brakemen however great their number give but an imperfect security since when the signal is given their attention may be wandering so that they will not instantaneouslyapply their whole forcb to the brakes or what is still worse if they apprehend that the train cannot be stopped in time they are liable and very naturally so to consult their owni safety by jumping off and this they are apt to do in a panic even though the danger by so doing iis greater than iq remaining at their post Some certain method of stop ping tbe train in the shortest time possible Without giving a shock and in a way that might be always relied uion has been a great desideratum in this species of travelling! and transportation This has beep finally attained in Mr band and pulley brake which has been in occa sional use for four month past on the Bostop and Worces ter Railroad and its operations satisfactorily tested The superintendent of that road for the purpose of testing the this brake soon after it was introduced upon the road made an experiment with it on a freight train of sixteen car on a descent of 30 feet to tbe mile moving at the rate of 15 mile an hour and found that two set of brakesof this description applied to one double car so forcibly and easily checked the train in going a little more than iU length tllat tie was satisfied that two double cars soi provided (both of which would be under the commandr of one man) would have prevented any collision of ihisit train that could threaten it under any circ*mstances with an obstacle on the The brake can be instantly put in gear to stop the train the moment the danger is discov i ered or the signal is given 1 It ischeaply constructed and! can be applied at small expense to the cars: now in use arid as the power of one brake is estimated ti be equivalent to at least six brakemen the use of it besides the safety thereby secured is of material importance in point of eco4 namy since a single brakeman can thereby have a com plete command of the longest train of cars! i Having wit nessed the operation of this brake and also understanding itsicharacterfrom those who have tried it I considered it due both to the inventor and the Public to give this short account of it 1 The Members 'of Congress are coming in rapidly by every conveyance THe newly elect ed Representative Mtj Jameson is already here and all the members from Indl the ground As usual the distant members are earliest iti coining Only one i (Mr Chinn) of the Louisiana Representatives Ijmwever has yet arrived Mr) Pickens of Carolina it is said will be detained athome for the present by severe illness in his I 1 I WASHINGTON 1 4 1 riberty and Union now a nd forfcver one and BO A KJJ Mrs KENNEDY respectfully iufurwB Mem bers of Congress and Senators that she has taken the very idcsirable establishment on the south side of Pennsylva nia avenue occupied during the last session by Mis A Every provision has been made to accommodate a mess with comfort and elegance The rooms are spacious and finely ar ranged many of the chambers having parlors attached to them dov 29 eo3t AXIS A TUCKER Merchant Tailors Penney! JLd vania Avenue a few doors west of 4j street inder the National Billiard Saloon have just received in addition to their former purchases a general supply of winter goods of khe latest importations embracing a great variety of Cloths Casaimeres and Vestings of the most fashionaole shades and select ed with great care from some of the best importing houses in the United States making their stuck at this time a very complete and desirable one to which they would most respectfully invite the attention of members cf Congress citizen's strangers and the Public generallyB trgains may be bad by giving us a call as we are determined to sell very cheap for cash or to punctual men on the moot reasonable terms and we further pledge our selves that in point of fitting and style of finish we shall hot b6 found inferior to any in the' country We have in our employ some of the very best workmen in th'e District and we are de termined tu spare neither pains nor expense to please all who may favor us with their patronage All we ask isa trial Always on hand a general supply of fancy articles for gen wear All orders from a distance faithfully attended to Two or three first rate coat makerawtU find employmentjby application as above I j' A CARD TO THE LADIES We have on hand a very desirable shade and quality of cloth for cloaks and having bad considerable experience and success io the cutting and fitting ofiuch garineuts ve most re spectfully solicit their attention to the above nov 28 fpOK KEN'Ti Three parlors and five chambers all very comfortably furnished Breakfast and tea will be ffivqn and Mr Kcrvand's and Mr houses of entertainment ai on the same square I i 1 Sohie of the apartments are fitted Op for (he accommodation of ladies and an eicellent Piano is in the house Inquire of Mrs MAbY Owem Seven Buildings I nov 29 1WW HUGHES nearly opposite Hotel has her house prepared for the accommodation of a small triers of Members of Congress with or without their families nov 3l THE WINDER SEASON A wintry like wind is howling around ub its whistling tireatb as it rushes agains) the casem*nt (and passes the minutest opening bringjs ajchilling atmosphere that tells that cold winter is II cannot say we are atji mirers of this season of desolation it always calls up the sentiment of death and all the beauties Iature have departed andjher fair face sceAts withered and embrowned The mild breeze no longerifans into exist ence the grass the leaf tbe flower with aill their pleasing huesand rich delightful perfumes no cheerfu? sunshine lights the hillside and brightens the glad scene no bopny bird chant their sweet melodics in field and wood all all gone and 'the only imusic that greets the saddened heart is the roar of the drying wind as it storms through the leafless trees But lei winter come: Nature seems to bare previously been prepared for it The tress ha all shed their foliage and present a hardened appearance as if they had parted With their wonted sensibility and were fitted by the chhnge to meet the onet of the storm The bills look dreary and dead seemingly prepared to receive the winding sheet of and sink bisneath the chill covering to lie in deaddbln till the) genial trumjxt of the spring shall wake them again to life and gladness To the poor winter is season of sadness want and siifferingC) Many of the opportunities of employment which axe always at hand in varm weather are now cut off 'i'heir wants are increased in number and degree and their means of supply are tlimirlisbed It is the part of benevo lence to consider the condition of this class of our fellow creatures and adopt thostf plans which will best alleviate ttieir sufferings If winter is the season) of sorrow and vant to the poor it is the season for active charity and kindliness of heart It is lhe season for thejexercise of the gentle virtues of pity and alleviating sympathy May this riot bo forgotten Delaware Journal instruments any Ball or Par application at the Marine Bar RAPHAEB TR1AY Leader GOLDSMITH'S YY OR KS beautiful London editioa wJT in 4 volume price for the se' S3 50 this day received nov 29 taylor in a two story frame dwelling on Vss a VIU yviau eight rooms with basem*nt 11 apply to EDM BROOKE xrtt ice A I I TTIffT street south in the ILLLfflL sion The house hai and is in good ord with a lot and stable attached Any person wishing to rcut nov 29 6t ntng is in out mtra expense would respectfully invite members with out ramilies to call audexainine the rooms above mentioned is supposed by some lhat 1 am sli ILconnected with the rc fcct ry al the corner of Ninth street and Pennsylvania avenue wi I now state positively that neither 1 tho houses which 1 occupy have any connexion whatever with that establishment nov eo6t JOII PETTIBON NICHOLAS The Life and Advent tureaof Nicholes Nicklehv with numerous illustrations or sale between 9th: and 10th streets Penn avenue nuT as i i farniia ADING HOOKS OR CHI I fDR ARNHAM near 10th street Pennsylvania avenue is constantly receiving and is band a very la ge assortment of reading and toy Looks suitable for children of eviry age SYAN and other Poems by Halleck or sale be 4 r' tween 9th and 10th streets enn avenue! nov 25 I I ARNHAM i BR AN The genuine pills may always be had at between 9th and 10th streets Pennsylvania avenue wholesale nr retail Boarding Ilouei BOARDING Mra HARBAUGH on 7th street abote the National Intelligencer office ean accommodate 7 or 8 Member of Qpngreka Room well furnished and the situ ation about cental between tbe Cepitol and Public Offices nor Mrs I MS ATT residing in the fourth house east of ourand a half street on the south side of Pennsylvania arenue respectfully informs inembers of Con gress and others visiting the City during the approaching ses sion that she has six comfortable rooms disengaged three of which are suitable far gentlemen with ladies The rooms are all ready to receive boarders I Terms as moderate as circ*mstances will permit I nov ifdlw Globe DELEGATES ROM OHIO Lin part Jacob Burnet I Elisha' Wh ittlesey tVlNTON John Grred Dr Toland! Ika Belkna John Wood Murphy Benjamin SJCnwtv Mount Vernon Spangler Cadiz John Lacey Cincinnati I Pendleton IWS RSmIlLER will qpntiaue to give instruction i Lv 1L Music during the ensuing winter She will wit upon ladies either at their residences rr el her own house on street near the buret Post Office Ladies can have the use of her piano gratis i Mrs can accommodate two or three more gentlemen wnb or without their families with board during the ensuing session of Congress HTO 91EY1BERSO CONG McBa NERMaN Pennsylvania avenue east of 4Ystreet (in the formerly Occupied by Mrs lallrtf respectfully announces that she has fitted up her room try a superior man ner for the reception of a mess of Mejpfrers of Congress De termined to spare no pains to rentjex' general satisfaction Mrs solicits a share of patronage' nov 3t I URN 1SH EDROOM OR RENT The subscri ber has fofrent a furnished room in his house on Lou isiana avosttfe near the Unitarian Chutch The aituation is eligible and convenient for any gentleman who may have busi ness at the Capitol during the session of Congress and is very near the principal hotels and refectories i nov 6t THOMPSON MARRIAGES (On Thursday morning last bv the Revs 6eo Cgoh main Mr CHARLES WREJN to Mjss CATHE RINE LINDSAY all of airfax county Va At Rockville Montgomery county Maryland on Tues day the 19th instant by thb Rev Mr Zacsee ROBERT CARTER of Little Rock Arkansas to MARY ANN daughter of Hsnby( Harding Esq In thi city on "Wednesday evening the 27th instant of pulmonary disease Drj WILLIAM HOLLANp late of New York His life terminated among those who were acquaintance of but a few week yet they hkd found him an accomplished gentleman of refined taste ahd cultivated mind and it was their pleasure tojsooth hi feel ings by kind and friendly at tentions during ttye short period of his illness and to 'pat every respect to his mortal remains I At New York on Sund ty afternoon tha2Tth instant Mr ELIZA MASON wife of Gen John Ma son aged 50 years I A SSEMBlY MUSIC! Th Leader of the Marine rsk A BZXAAW 1 fl that he has prepared with grestcarea choice cyllectian of new Ball Muaic and that he will bq happy to attend wills the whole Bapd or any amaller number tyat (he shortest notice on rack nov' 29 eo6t DOINGS IN TENNESSEE There has been a series of events enacting in Tennessee and especiallyzin the Legislature thereof within the lastthree or four weeks Somcof which are exceedingly laughable and others well fitted? iftS'jthe Montreal Courier said a Tetv'days 'ago to make a sensible man grieve and his fist against a stonfe The beginning was farcical but the tending turned out any thing but a farce The play was opened sby the introduction a batch of instructing resolutions six in nutn ber but the fun was all built upon the second which was a point blank direction to the Sena tors of the Slate in Congress to vote for the sub Treasury in all its pairts and provisions! When this resolution was readHn the Senate a Whig member got up and gravely proposed a substi tute in the words following to wit: Retained That a corporation is muchafer than auy in dividual agent however responsible he may be because it consist ot an association of individuals who have thrown together their ageregate wealth and are bound in their corporate character to tbe extent of their whole capital stock fdt the deposite and lhat it is the opinion of this General Assembly that the heaviest security which the wealthiest individuals can giv would not make the public deposit safe at the point ot' a large collection A mingled expression of wqiider andcon temptjfor'tlie audacity of the mpver Mr An derson rested upon the visages of the major ity and some of them even smiled at what they considered his folly in proposing that which ho must know would be instantly voted down but the smiles were quickly changed to blank looks of chagrin and confusion when i was whisper ed about that the resolution wasiverbatim a re petition of a certain declaration lonce made on the floor of Congress by no less a person age than his excellency Governor Polk now the mbst strenuous denouncer of all corpora tions as unsafe and irresponsible )Vhat was to be (lone The majority could not in conscience repudiate the doctrine so boldly1 advanced by their file leader but nei ther could they vote favor of the amend ment because if they Jid they voted against thiej sdb Treasury There was silence among thm for a time while the mbthievous Mr ANDtrisoN looked gravely oni enjoying his joke and their dilemma but al length a Mr Yoak um whispered lay it on the The hint wits caught at and the perplexing substitute was lain ou the table accordingly Iput jMr Anderson waj ready 'with another 1 Resolted That we have cunifidence ill the ability and capacity of the State banks to alf the duties of Cs caltageiiil for the Government 'fl'Iiis time the majority members Were suspi cious land by rubbing up their memories a lit tle some of them called to mind the origin of the one of General annu al messages Lay it onthe again mur mured Mr Yoakum himself scarcely able to miutain his gravity and laid on the table it was But Mr budget was not yet ex hausted He was on his legs in a moment with this resolution as a substitute hesolted Thai the Independent Treasury is disorgan izing arid revolutionary and subversive of the fundament al principles of our Government and of it entire practice fropi 1793 own to this day and that it is' a palpable a the sun that the effect of the scheme would be to bring tbe public Treasury much pearcr the actual custody and con the President and expose it to be plundered by a hupdred hands where one under the (ate system could reach itJ In such even' we shoeld feel tbalthe People had judt cause for alarm and ought! to give their most watch ful attention to such an effort to enlarge Executive power an4 putin its hand the mean of corruption Where does that come from queried one ofhhc majority to his neighbor and the vexa tious answer was from: the columns of the Globe the official paper ri the organ of the par ty at This time risibility could nojt be (restrained a snigg*r ran through the house and Sir Yoakum's it on the ta wps scarcely audible iio whimsical was the dilemma in which he and his friends were in volved: They succeeded however' in it on the and after that in passing their whole batch of resolutions i i It would seem moreover that some of them were disposed to make up for theft past annoy ances by giving a finishing touch to their tri umph It was not enough to endorse the sub Treasury but they must needs tack on another resolution endorsing the whole policy of the Administration past present and to come dhe sic tolo sic jubeo of the President being the essence of theft political creed as became faithful knights of! the collar So they completed their batch withi the following: 11 Resolved That this General Assembly doth heartily approve of the leading measure and policy of the adminii tration of Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren and our Senators jin Congress are hereby instructed and our Rep 0 rescnlalive requested to support in good faith the lead ing measures and policy a brought forward and advocated by the present President the United State and to use all fair and proper exertion to carry put and accomplish the But the instructors werej not yet quite out of thei woods Mr Reneau a Whig member had got: another shot ready for them and he let them have it just before the vote ws 'taken on the whole series in the following additional pream and resolution in the year 1826 at the suggestion of the vener able NatJMacona committee was appointed in the Senate ofttie United Stales totake into consideration the reduction of the patronage of the General Government of which committed Thomas Benton was chairman and Martin Van Buren and Hugh Whit and other distinguished friends oflGen Jackson were members: and whereas said committee made a report accompanied hysix bills which report and bills are recognised as the soundest principle of Jeffersonian Republicanism: 'EherefareResolved That our: Senators in Congress "be instructed and our Representative requested to uie all' fair and honorable means to have the principle of lhat re port carried out in the administration of the Government and lalso to secure the passage of said bills which are of the following title to wit: i 11 A bill to regulate the publication of the laws of the United States apd the public advertisem*nts 2J A bill to secure in office faithful collector and dis bursers oflhe public revenue and the displacement of de faulters i 31 A bill to regulate the appointment of postmaster 4 A bill to regulate the appointment of cadets A biU to regulate the appointment of midshipmen 6 A bill to prevent the military and naval officers from being dismissed at the pleasure of the President This was worse than either of other amendments practical although less percep tibly in the teeth of what the majority were do ing and' proposing at the moment It was a blow at Executive patronage and influence a shaft aimed at the very vitals of the party in power and feathered from the wings of the par ty's1 largest birds What to bq done wifh it 'f imove the previous Shouted one of the 'Menibers and by the aid df the previous question this newstumbling block was disposed of' Commercial Advertiser Young is among the tn the British Queen and that he succeeded in selling a mil lion of Illinois bonds kt 9t) Globt elix Grundy has been elected by the Le gislature of Tennessee to be a Senator of the Jnited States to the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr oster 1 If he accept the trusthe will of course vacate ihe Office of Attorney General uf the United States which he now holds S' Choice old wines and liquors ln GLASS AND YY 25 dozen South side Madeira vintage 1830 25 do Monteiro Madeira wine do 1830 1826 1826 5 1815 I THE BANK EXCITEMENT AT St LDuI It appears from the contents of the following gitra (being the latest date we have' frpin St Louis) lhat the excitement among the gdod people of St Louis on the subject Of the course the Bank of Missouri was still far frqlm sub nding i i i Bulletin Office St Louis Ntiv 17 Tbe Die is Cast It was known yesterday to the com Bonity that a consultation was held by the director andlose of our most influential citizens apd strong hope were entertained that a compromise would! be effected but the result is a determination on the part of the directrifs to abide by their resolutions' The following particular we cbodense from an extra of the Republican: Ori riday Borning President Smith wa waited on by a number of our most respectable and wealthy citizen wtio proposed to hjai tbefollowing: 10 '1 (1st That the collection paper falling due within the wit sixty day should be paid to the Bank or to any agent thereof in: the same description of funds heretofore re coned at the Bank i I i 2d That bq butinett paper discounted by the Bank tojihe present time should a far as possible be placed on tbe footing of accommodation paper the curtailment and diocotiut being paid in epecie or the note of specie paying iwnks i I These propositions were well received tiy Mr Smithad on Saturday morning MessrsChoteau and Collier waited on the President and they understood from him that the principal if riot the only ground of objection to lb proposition was the apprehension of loss which might etwee from the depreciation of tbe note of thei Illinois Bink if received in payment for the collection paper unualing to 278000 It being conceded thatlwas ttie uiy objection to the measure Mr Collier at once proposed Mr Smith to obviate it by offering to furnish twelve citien who would join in guarantying the Babk against eej loss which might happen in the process of collection fr lhe'depreciaUon df the notes of the State Bank of Iliiuois a This seemed to satisfy Mr The Board of Di Hctor was 'again assembled and in the meanj time Mr Collier obtained twelve of the wealthiest and most respect ril citizen to sign the indemnity Mr Collier and Mr Choteau were in attendance at the Boak io makeany explanation which might be deemed necessary Non8 such however were asked and after in hour or two delay President Smith appeared and in armed them that the Bank could do nothing in the matter Ths injunction of sccresy not having been removed no thing else of tbe proceedings can be known Mr Collier then informed Mr Smith that this was the last effort at a Compromise on the part of tbe people MICHIGAN ELECTION rom the Detroit Daily Advert i linstant we learn that returns of th' Michigan had be'en received counties in that State except inton and Ea ton and e'timating those two countieslas they (ftood last year the rrajorityl iri State forthe Whig candidate for Governors 1485 vots I In the House of Representatives there are 3(3 iWhigs and Ji Locos in the Senate 10 Whigs find 7 being oa joint ballot more than to one in favor of the Whigs i St AdgcstineNot 15 Tbe Our columns of to day bear mournful wdence that death has been among us St Augustine fuued from time immemorial for its salubrity at all seasonu visited by sickness in 1821 when the influx of Amer ican consequent upon the change of dominion brought with it or found here a fever (brought from abroad) fatal Io itrangers though the evident inhabitant remained tin cathwl Since then no prevailing sickness has appeared un til thia autumn when from causes impossible to define we ire called upon by Providence to suffer io theinfliction this jeer unfortunately common to all the Southern cities We have no name for the indeed it is more easy toay what is not than what it is so diversified are the cdcs a remark we believe that generally applies to al) epidemics which appear for the first time in a community of diversified habits and collected from 'various climate the pestilence ha been we have abundant eiune of thankfulness to a protecting Providence for having fwored us with a climate which temper even the most fnjhtful scourge that can afflict mankind While abroade bear death follows an attack with almost unerring cer tucty here we have seen hundred of case yielding im mediately to medicine and medical treatment and there ciiKtng no local cause for epidemic we havg no reason to doubt that nowwhen that which has prevailed is passed St Atigustine may continue to enjoy the i for xlabriiy the has so Jong and so justly merited Severallight frosts immediately arrested the malady we have crird of no new cases for several days and have the au thority of the physicians for announcing that the fever ha Cuppeared i I The whole number of cae ha been about 700 of deaths about 50 in all the latter are most sen felt from th(s number of individual of noteic6ne ittrnce and character who are included A Dbt There i of wasp lorida a beautiful sheet of water known by white menM Indian as the Silver Spring which before thi wraght had never failed and wa relied 'on by all living in that region a exhaustless Its pretty name wa Rurally suggested by its bright aspect In the depth of and bordered by a malted growth lof live oak and wiievergreen a circular or oval hollow atiout sixty yards16 uiaineter shelved down through sand of) perfect white centre where the spring gushed upward so vi as to agitate the surface some fathoms above fili ng the entire basin with water of delicious purity and cool ae through the diamond transparency of which were fish of different kind and various colors which al a bait were believed by the Indian to be or blessed spirits and lender the blaze of a tro PKI uminer a sensual fancy coitld hardly have tn the land of flower a riihre delightful heaven than of the Silver Spring perhaps the very fountain rejuvenescence in search of which the romantic oldpamard found that immortality in death which he hoped io life There wa ample room and verge enoughr a little boat in which visiter amused themselves float tbe secluded little Jake On a visit a few week nceIsome officers found the spot deprived of halfits beau I wd of all it wonted freshness The silver sand were as the desert the spirit fish and the water had van i And thickly strewn in the woods around were the aching skeletons and withering carcasses of Lone deer ua cows and a variety of oi her article: which had per om of thirst The dry barin somewhat resembled thewrof a volcano for although there was not a drop the boiling motion of the spring was kept up in and on thrusting down the foot or a s'ick the puff distinctly audible A poet might imake out of all Charleston Mercury mm fr i Appointment by the President 'Si01'RT Charlton to be Attorney of the United 'A for tbe District of Georgia in the place of John "rd resigned I ItURNISII ED or rent eight newly fur inisbed rooms without boatd adjoining Hotel west being convenient to tlie principal hotels and restaurants or terms Ac "apply at the hat store of TODD nov Gtif gUrtN ISOLD ROOMS) TO wo rooms on A tbe first floor and one on the second floor of the house on the corner of and 3d atreeU near rhe Railroad office and but two squarca weutpf the Capitol These roo ma are very pleattandy situated having a aouth front They aie comfortably furnished and may be used either as two parlors and oue chamber or as pne parlor and two chamber Also to The new brick Stable and Carriage house at the roar of the same lot and the finished room over Uie same 30 feet front and 24 feet deep Thia room well calculated for rte uae of a por trait or odie painter i i Apply oa tha premise onto nov JOHN INGL A MESS of fivowr six Members of Congress can be ac commodated with board and lodging oh application at the three nlory brick dwelling aoxl door to Dr at the junction of and street Two of the chambers have a private parlor attached to each vybichto gentlemen having families would be very conve nient i nov 28 3t EYY'IS VIVANS a few doors west of the War Office can accommodate a few families with fashionabble lodg ings and board His houses are all separate and furnished in (he best style having been heretofore io the occupancy of for eign ministers and some of the most fashionable members of Congrts One of his houses would accommodate a large fam ily or a mess of five or six gentlemen I Applications from a distance through tlie post office will re ceive imm ediate attention nov 19 d3w fill) MEMBERS Two furnish JL ed Parlors and two Chambers adjoining them for rent at Mrs house st the corner of 4i street anff Penn sylvania avenue nov26 eo3t MRS BOARDING HOUSE on Penn sylvania avjntle opposite the Centre Market is prepar ed for the reception sf members of Congress and persons vis iting Washington amilies can be furnished with pleasant parlors and comfortable rooms nov dlwM BURNISHED ROOMS OR of Congress a(e respectfully informed that they can be comfortably handsomely furnished rooms and with breakfast and tea on the west aide of lOlh street and in view of the Pennsylvania avenue at a rcasonijble price The house ba undergone a thorough repair and ispleaantly situated Apply to nov 3t MRS A McGUNIGLE iURNIStlED ROOMS Aparloriand two cham bers in the neighborhood of Hotel and on the north side of Pennsylvania avenue may be rented for the ses sion of Congress I Inquire at AAV Apothecary store (formerly Boyle's) a few door east of Hotel nov 23 dtflf tARENCH Monsr P1OTK KOW ALEWSK1 respectfully informs those desirous bf ac quiring a perfect knowledge of the rench Language that he is now ready ta open a School for the instruction ot those who may wish to sltend Young ladies aspiring to polite society and gentlemen intndingito can be accommodat ed with lesson separately if desired The learner will ex ercised in oral 'and written from rench to English: end English to and also in the true accent principles! idioms and familiar colloquy A tractable student will be able I in from forty to sixty lesson lolranslate speak and write With' such facility as to enable bhn to improve' without further aid from a teacher 1 An evening class will be opened for those who are unable to attend during the day The most satisfactory testimonial can be exhibited Refer ence may be had to St Clai Clarke Esq Rev Mr Haw ley and Rev Mr Cookman of thiscity Hon Judge John MCLcan vincinnan vino in a class of 30 tiinonsj Private lesone 31 eabh I Seminary class 36 Monsr will be found at Mr 130 street 7 I WALTER i SMOOT 'i Commlsslou aud orwarding Mercndnt GEORGETOWN I oct worn "TTNION HOTEL NORTH STREET BE HJ tween 13th aud 1 th Streets The sub scriber begs leave to inform the Public that the above estab lishment has been enlirelyriefiited in the isost modern style snd that he is prepared to aeeommodale ten or twelve board ers at moderate rates Also tbat he has replenished his bai with the choicest liquors of all kinds that could bo furnished from the New York Philadelphia and Baltimore markets and he dues not hesitate in recommending them to the Public a first chop He has one large front parlor in the first story and several bedrooms well furnished which he i disposed to rent The location being nearly central of this city gentlemen having business with Congress or with either of the Departments would find them comfortable and convenient The liberal patronagewhich the Public has already evinced urges him respectfully to solicit a continuation nov 4t Globe A BUTLER CYHINA GLANS AND I THOMAS PURCELL has received by the ships Vir ginia and Clifton latelyiarrived from JAverpbol and from other sources seventy one packages of the above a tides in addition to bis importation I the Robert PnUford and Potomac which mike his assortment extensive and complete AHof which will be sold wholesale and retail on as good terms and as low as any other establishment in the'District He invites bis friends and the Public generally to giVeffiim a call and examine for themselves at his store ojr ennsylva nia avenue opposite Hotel nov eolm Po Atjyo A Gio jHOS PURSELL at the reduced price of lt cents per 'i if i wingerd eq PUBLIC ALE By virtue of an order of Mootgome i xy County the subscribers as Commissioners will expose to public sale on the premise' on the 28th day of De cember next the real estate of iwhich the late YVilliam Daw son died seized in Montgomery bounty the same being a tract of land called Tbe ork of Grubby and pert of a tract of land called Resurvey bn These tract of land (adjoining each olbsr) are ncar Little Seneca about 2 miles from Dawsonville 6 Jrom poolosville 13 from Rockville aud 26 from Washington ciiy ifnd contain 328 acre snd 14 perches more than one third of which is in woods Tbe i nprovemente are a dwielling bouse kitchen smoke house stable and tobacco houee and apple orchard This land is well watered of good soil aud well adapted to the growth of tobacco jr ii The terms of sale are One hundred dollar df the purchase money cash the! balance in instalment on a credit of one two and three years to be secured by bond with approved security in a penalty of twice the amount of the purchase money with interest upon the whole sum from the day sale payable an nually After the ratification of the sale Wnd payment of the purchase money the Commissioner will convey to the purcha ser or purchasers at their expense all the right title claim interest and estate of Dawson deceased to said laqd and premise i Sale at 12 i LEVI VE1RS SAMUEL DARBY' GEORGE BYRD Commissioners? 17YOR RENT two furnished rooms in a private family pleasantly situated on 6th street south of Pennsylvania Avenue and Hotel Apply to Maa PILLING Also a first rate Stable for 6 or 8 horses in the same neigh borhood i nov d2w URN ED ROOMS OR Two pax lors and five chambers situated on 4j street between Pennsylvania avenue and street i nov 3t i JAMES WILLIAMS delegates nobttt Carolina to thf HARRISBLKG NATIONAL CONVENTION 5 Cm John ()'ven amks Mebane Eq WCrey if'V'D (No 'ft'nient) Ji HueV RatXle Wis tow IfkhKir Him J)r Roaxu 1 AAC lii HMJ do do Satin do embroidered ltsse I do imall Collat satin and rhenilln 10 cartoons Satin Peleriueslwith fringes i splendid Satin Shawls velours Chine I 2 do Plush Shawls chenilla Lordered I 10 Satin Shawls with sleeve quilted si! 6 very rich Velvet Shawls embroidered I 5 do Satin Shawls cntbruidered with plume I I Also I 30 Dr eases rich Mbusseline tie Laine Sbaliey 10 piece mode colored Repti Silks i IBRADLEY CATLETT nov 28 i Globe I 17NUR NISH ED ROOMS OR RENT on be tween 4 and 6th streets immediately in the reat of the Athcnssnm I nov SAWKINS Ar doyvson continues Ida Boarding House this winter on Capitol Hill for the accommodation of mem bars of Congress His house is free from engagements nov 7t Mousehold "furniture At Auction i Oa Saturday morning the: 30th instant at half past ten I shall sell 'in front of my store without reserve fori cash a large lotf urniture Dew and second hand such i Mahogany hair seat Sofas 'centre and card Tables dining and breakfast Tables ideboartU I Cane rush seal afld stump Chairs Mahogany Bureaus toilet Tables Glasses I I High and low post Bedsteads Beds and Mattresses Carpets Rugs Andirsns shovels Tong and cndcntf Cherry and plain Wardrobes writing Tables Washstands Basins and PitcherSj Glassware I Several double barrel Guns and apparatus complete i i With a good lot of Kitchen articles Cooking Stoves Tcn Plate Stoves Grates and Blowers Pranklm Grates Persons having articles they wish sold will please to send them down early on Saturday morning and they wi be attend ed to i I EDW DYER ill Auctioneer a i i a hi i IJIM1K It offers fot fcale tbaval hv ih natmii nC Side of the Potonlac opposite the our Run and nearly i equidistant from Washington and Alexandria It contains abrut three hundrtkb acres a greater part of which is an a high state of impfuveiueou There is a ishery attached which with proper management would be very valuable 4 further i description of the property is unnecessary as presumed that all disposed to purchase will examine the premises If not sold privately it will be offered at public sale on Thursday i the 5th of December at 12 Tcrms'Hberal and made known on ihe day of sale NOTLEY YOUNG nov 26 Gazette I LW AND SPUEN DID RENCH GOOD! JL We have just receired and opened on the second floor of our store a lot of rench Goods which surpass in richness and variety any thing of the Hind that has ever been brought to this market Tbe attention of the Ladies ig respectfully re quested' to an inspection of them they cont in part of tho blowing viz I i 3 dozen Satin Reticules velours Chine 4 do rich figured Satin Reticukb a puis velours i 12 very rich Velvet Collars i IU 25 do Bual do do 25 do Sercial do do KO Cl L4 PaorrvaJ Irv (This collection embraces the finest wines made on the Ulan of Madeira) 50 dozen fine Pale and Gold Sheny wines Duff Gordon A Co 25 dozen Tints and other Madeira wines 50 do Virgin BranJy vintage 1830 100 do Old Cognac Brandy vintage 1330 IN WOOD 1 pipe fine Old Reserved Madeira wine vintage 1815 1 do do Bual do do 1826 4 half pipes do do 5 butts fine old Brown Sherry do zao no 1 pipe Pure old Pon 20 half and quarter pipes Teneriffe wines 2d do do i Sicily do 50 baskets Champagne wines Beaver Gold Medal and Grape brands i 2 puncheons superior Jamaica Rum 2 do Irish Whiskey 8 pipes fine old Rye Whiskey ALMQt 100 boo superior Havana Cigars Regalia Indust ria Principe and other brands A few boxes very choice chewing Tobacco These wirhes and liquors are confidently commended to the public as being: pure as imported and unsurpassedan quality by any in the country Demijohns loaned and goods sent to any part of the city free of porterage MIDDLETON A BEALL Pennsylvania Avenue opposite the National Hotel! nov eo2w Globe STRAY' Three Dollars Strayed from the city commons last spring a white and brown cow She itt low and rather broad enake one of her horns has been broken rff and is about half grbwn again Three dollars re ward will be phid for her if delivered to the subscriber Uin this city on Maryland avenue corner of our and a fctjdet nov jit (Balt Sup) JOS DAWES EAST Il A libeixl reward will be giv en for a Breast Pin supposed to hare been dropped somewhere in this city or in the cats between this and Bal limore or description inquire at No 150 Market street Baltimore TODD The Two riends The Repealers Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman Do do 4 Lady The Victim of Society Conversation with Lord Byron Tbe Honeymoon lowers of loneliness Gems of Beauty This day received and far sale at Book Store four doors west of Hotel nor 29 Globe WANTED immediately a colored woman middle age to do the work of a einairLmily where the wash ing ironing and cooking are done from home Apply at the office of the National Intelligencer nov dtf fegRS A1AKY BRONAUGH ha fitted up one of ilA tbe houses in Gen Duff row oa Capitol Hill for ihe reception of boarders and would be happy to accom modate a small mess of members of Congress nov 3t WaLTJCEb URNISHED ROOMS OR RENT Mrj ENGLISH ha several furnished parlors and six or eight bedchambers which she would rbe happy to rent to gentlemen wishing such accommodations Her house is on the south side of itre between 13ih and I ith streets and has been occupied fur several ycart past by Mrs letcher The hojise ha been newly papered and painted and is in all res pects 'in good repair! Members of Congress or other gentle men who wish good room are respectfully invited to call and examine them nov eo3t MEMBERS UNGRESS I would res pccifullv malde known to" members of Congress that I tak en two houses adjoining the corner of Pennsylvania re and Ninth stfeet and have fitted and furnished them 4yle which 1 flnjter myself cannot full to please The lo i too a desirable one being about midway between the ttl and the House I have also fitted up at the lol fur (he espedial convenience of members a private di room where thtly cun dine at any hour while the Houe session Those whobo jrd with me will dine there with A PAR DOR AND OUR CHAMBERS newly furnished in the best manner will be let by the subscri ber during tbe ensuing session of Congress to a mesa of four gentlemen who will find very comfortable accommodations on New Jersey avenue fourth south of the Capitol gate nox 3t 1 PETER BRADY OAHDI Mrs ARGUELLES respectfully informs the members of Congress that her house on Pennsylva nia avenue opjmeite Hotel has been prepared for their reception where they can be comfortably accommodated either with or without their families nov 27 3t Capi is in 21 do 3d do 4th do do 6th do 7 th do $th do 9th do I Oth do 11th do 1 2th do 13tlr do.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.